Stories of Saint Benedict
Luca Signorelli ⠂Asciano

Nome: Stories of Saint Benedict (west side)
Year: 1497-1498, then Sodoma finished the painting after 1505
Technique: fresco
Dimensions: 288×175 cm
Storage place: Abbazia di Monte Oliveto Maggiore
City: Asciano
Curiosità: It is one of the most complete descriptions of the life of St. Benedict, composed of thirty-five scenes, based on the narrative of St. Gregory the Great. The cycle was commissioned to Signorelli by the abbot and general of the Olivetans, Fra Domenico Airoldi. Signorelli, who worked on it with his workshop from 1497 to 1498, called to work on the most prestigious commission for the Chapel of San Brizio in the Cathedral of Orvieto, abandoned the work. It was then completed by Sodoma from 1505, called by Airoldi who in the meantime had been re-elected superior of the monastery. The last scene (“How Benedict resuscitates a child”) was almost completely lost due to the enlargement of the entrance door.
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